Everything revolves around trust in the high performing team–there is no substitute.
Trust becomes possible when we have aligned values—which we have articulated, documented, discussed and agreed.
There are no competitors within the team and there is a code of absolute confidentiality, openness and honesty. Members feel safe in being vulnerable and productive conflict is accepted and even encouraged.
To a limited extent, trust may be given, but mostly trust is earned. Here is how:
Shared Goals
The team has a set of goals—for a one-off, time-boxed project there may be a single goal while on-going teams may have a range of goals. In either case the goals need to be SMART—specific, measurable, achievable, reachable and timed. In striving to achieve the goals, team members must be prepared to have the following shared behaviours: to voice their ideas and their concerns; to learn and be coachable; to share their knowledge and experience and to assist their fellow-members.
Agreed process
There may be an upward limit set on the number of team members, but in any case group membership must be well-defined and capable of being upsized or downsized as required. The meeting agenda, activities and agenda must also be well defined, documented and followed.
There must be a well-respected team leader, who is also proficient in applying a toolbox of techniques that will help the team do its job e.g. root cause analysis, process improvement, problem solving, innovation etc.
Each team member and the team as a whole must at all times do what they say you will do, give and receive feedback openly and immediately, challenge themselves and others, speak up when silence may give unintended approval and to achieve results—ultimately delivering on the goal(s).
- Each team member signs up to:
- Attend all meetings, so that every member is able to make a full contribution.
- Maintain absolute confidentiality.
- Arrive at all meetings on time and stay through until the meeting ends.
- Arrange not to be disturbed during any group meeting, unless there is an emergency.
- Participate fully in all meetings.
- Be open and honest whilst participating in the team process.
- Be candid in any evaluations of team meetings.
- Introduce appropriate candidates should vacancies become available.
- Act as a meeting or activity leader if required.
- Accept responsibility for achieving the team’s goals.
The team members put aside any political or religious ideology in all team activities, deferring to the organisation’s values.
©ResultsWise 2019
Jeff Bell, Principal, ResultsWise
Arrange a meeting to discuss high performing team diagnosis and development—go to the Contact Us page or phone Jeff on 0439988662.